Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Catcher in the Rye - Notes

Chapter one - Holden talks about his brother who sold out to Hollywood got kicked out of his school. He looks over football field and Holden wants a goodbye feeling says goodbye to history teacher. 

Chapter two - Holden doesn't listen to Mr. Spencer's lecture about his essay he wrote. 

Chapter five - invited Ackley because he feels bad he wrote about Allies glove for Stradlater, he adored Allie a lot. 

Chapter six - Holden has interest in Jane who usually doesn't show affection for anyone. Stradlater gets mad and doesn't want to tally about the date and they didn't with eachother and then they proceed to Ackely's room.

Chapter seven - Holden was thinking in Ackley's room about Jane and he was worried Stradlater wouldn't treat Jane right. Holden is brutally honest but still talks about what he feels. One thing abot Holden is he takes people for granted until their gone. 

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